A great way to indulge in the beauty and excitement that the Land of Kangaroos has to offer is to escape the winters in India and head to the offbeat Australian summer locations. However, upon landing here, you’ll realise that you need more than one Australian tour package to tick it off your bucket list....
As clichéd as it may sound, the chilly winters in India are best warmed up by the warm beaches, stunning reef visits, amazing locales and the sporting culture in Australia. From the bountiful nature to the thronging hangout places for the party buff, a customised tour to Australia promises something for everyone. Best of all...
The land down under has an unending list of dangerous animals. It’s not just snakes, crocodiles, sharks or even spiders that you need to be wary of. There are other creatures whose contact can be fatal in spite of their innocuous appearance. The European Honeybees are responsible for more deaths in Australia than any other...