August 2017

Posted by untravel |

The most elusive part of the great Himalayan Mountains is, perhaps, located in Bhutan. Also known as the “Mountain Fortress of the Gods”, the only surviving Buddhist kingdom is home...

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Posted by untravel |

The crowds, clamour and contamination may not be conducive to love at first sight. But give it time, and chances are you’ll be charmed by Bangkok’s intricate temple designs, unique...

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Posted by untravel |

Bhutan defies generalisations. In this Buddhist Kingdom, you’ll find harmonious co-existence of serene monasteries and adrenaline-pumping adventure activities. While the northern regions get freezing cold, the southern provinces stay warm...

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Posted by untravel |

The only thing that can compete with a Gujarati’s love for food is his love for travel. Ever been on a journey with a Gujarati? Chances are you’ve fond memories...

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